Boats To Sail: Captions for Peter Pan, Fairies, Pixies, Earth Angels on land. Hands out to grab, hands out to help, lights on now, out of the darkness. Light and dark, good and evil, sinners and saints, stars in lights, stars at birth, lights on still. Gifts of the roads to take, lessons always alone the way, lights on, and lights off. Sunny days, rainy days, classes on love and hate, light and dark, horns to blow, horns of a goat, hate to see, love for the others. Others to give, others to share, joys and pains, bumps in the road. Hands out for the fours of cups, for the five golden rings, songs to sing.
Resolutions, atonement, forgiven not desire for these freaks, they are
legends in their minds, and fake friends to steal, lie, and rob you
blind with six or seven snakes to jump to your cash, properties, credit,
women and boys, and belligerents in their views of greatness. Twisted
and tainted views of faithful and bullshit, mixed up with love and hate,
four letter words, that the are two English, not right or wrong.
Love and hate, horns to blow, horns of a goat, horns on a sheep, not today: chronic sex freaks do not understand
ever. Happy and delight, happy and gay, happy to share, the classes on love and hate. Classes on love and devotion, goodness and mercy, angels to see. Classes of joys and pains, goodness and mercy, love and hate, to teach, and always to learn.
Ocean Ends: Time of our lives, the best is yet to come, take my hand, we
are half way there, living on a prayer. Prayers and songs to sing,
jumps for joy, jump for lessons learned. Hate and love, horns to blow,
hate and love horns of a goat, love and luck, dances in the air. Games
of fingers out, to blame the others, family of freaks, monkeys to dodge.
Monkeys in packs, donkeys in hills, dead and reborn again, frogs and
Gifts of clean air, monkeys to see, Sheri Jarrot, Queen of
Whales, butch, and bitch with big mouth, stuff
best with dicks ...7603601613- pussy licker, Rachel Jarrot, best pussy
yet to lick, games on since birth- April 16, 1995. Best sapsuckers, for
cash or credit, robbers and crooks. Charles R. Jarrot, 7607778998- to
date on the beaches in Ventura, Oxnard, Santa Monica and Venice, RV
camper Steven and Sheri Jarrot, 7608512267. Reigns of frogs, Prince and
Princess Rachel Jarrot, butch, butch, whales on land to date. Good times
on the dark sides of the moon. Hell hounds, gifts and talents to share,
oral experts of craigslists...
Time to turn pages of hate, so what you don't share views, noses and
views, candy for babies. Good times, sad times, life on the beach,
friends and fish in the seas. Classes in the woods, clashes on the
beach, dykes and fags, frogs and snakes. Lions to eat, monkeys, snakes,
frogs and fresh freaks, dances on the beach. Snakes and frogs to fry,
food to eat, dykes, butches, with bitches in heat. Over the lands and
seas, snakes in dens, frogs in army, monkeys in packs.
Theory of Everything .Down to earth...💞😎 I’m really down to earth and a nice person to be around with, that is what I like to think about me, people have told me that. What other people think about me: crazy, normal, plain, an old soul, earth angel 2...getting older now, senior to senior, woman to man, dreams in motions. Here to the beginning...
Nice to meet you✨🎄💞😎💓💦 All my old friends live out of town, so looking for friendships.Looking for platonic friends.We can talk to see if we are compatible for more time to explore what to do next.💋💚✨😎 anyone else?
Dreams of tomorrow, it could happen:YOU MAKE ME HAPPY AND LAUGH AND SMILE AND THAT HELPS COPE WITH MY MENTAL HEALTH SO THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU FOR THAT.Open Books:Sunny And Bright,Lions On Top:MENTAL HEALTH IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.Lupita Arellano - Happy weekend 🐕🎶🐶🎸🐕🎷🐶🎹🐕📻🐶🎼🐕🐾😜 Roles To Play, Decades To Shine, Winners, Losers, Learners, Dimes To Drop. Rainbow Racers, Rats To Roaches, Every One Dies.
Waves to make, boats to float, dicks and dogs, bitches in heat, good time, dream lives in Cali. Nuts and chicks, cheap tricks, beaches and RV campers, dicks and dogs, party on the beach. Good times, suckers, fags, and hags, tricks on the side of the road, lovers and haters, wigs and caps, horns out of site. Rachel gay Jarrot, daddy girls Sheri, Sima, Charlie, faces of snakes, faces of frogs, faces of dogs, rats to races, junk for sale....Lupita Arellano - Happy weekend 🐕🎶🐶🎸🐕🎷🐶🎹🐕📻🐶🎼🐕🐾😜 Roles To Play, Decades To Shine, Winners, Losers, Learners, Dimes To Drop. Rainbow Racers, Rats To Roaches, Every One Dies.
UNDER 18New York Minutes,Rachel Jarrot, faces in the mirror, dicks and dogs, bitches in heat, suckers for a long time, butches for the grasshopper dazes, bald heads under the wigs, caps worn also, horns to hide. Stuck In Time,Jewish Rocks, sluts, crooks, cheaters and liars, dream lives in lots, only white tales, donkeys tales, and monkeys to dodge.
Dream lifes for the snakes and frogs under the skin, faces out in the day. Living in darkness ways of views, ways of noses, brown spots on long noses, to grow with more lies. Fairy tales, snakes and worms, dicks with long noses, grows with the lies told, hits and misses. Tales to write, gloey holes open wide, dicks and dogs, bitches in heat, tales told. History to note.
Rachel Jarrot, Rach Jay, Rachel Cattlecaller, faces and labels online, history to note. Sluts and donkeys, views online, hits and misses, joys and pain. Bumps in the road. the Media World: Uncertain. Lots of tricks, lots of love, lots of luck, coins to flip, cheap tricks on the side of the road. Intern: Schools of Hard Knocks, Daddy the pimp: Steven Jarrot, 7608512267, selling asses, selling suckers, selling junk, blow jobs to go, day job. Hats and wigs, horns out of sight, drama dreams, sluts and moneys notes, cows and cattle on open ranges

.... Rachel Jarrot-This is what will happen to you if you do. We font play that shit around here. He (KKK) said next time he will have to bring more people. Then get ready to die. .....ON THE RUN, WHAT?!...Hats and horns, sheep and goats, tales to spare. Faces of haters, faces of snakes in the grass, news, not history, faces to coins. Lupita Arellano - Happy weekend 🐕🎶🐶🎸🐕🎷🐶🎹🐕📻🐶🎼🐕🐾😜 Roles To Play, Decades To Shine, Winners, Losers, Learners, Dimes To Drop. Rainbow Racers, Rats To Roaches, Every One Dies.
Cash and credit, donkeys and monkeys in packs, faces of haters, hats and wigs, games with balls, balls and jacks.“Impossible only means you haven’t found the solution yet.” -Anonymous. Kal Penn is lifting the lid on some of the grossly racist roles he’s been asked to play.
Cheap tricks, girls in tents, Tin Cans, RV Campers, Steven and Charles R. Jarrot, crooks and robbers, dates to rob for cash to live. Joys and pains, dances in the dark, dances in the rain, snakes and frogs in the grass, dream life in lights. Glory days gone, Rach Jarrot, now flipping faces, out of her skin. New skin, new looks, new names for butches, Rach Jay, new butch on board. Land whale, see new cow, born December 25? 2015. Frog to snake, or snake to frog, another fish in the seas. Stories and books in the sky, love my gems, sinners with green eyes, glasses also, frags and frogs to dodge. Happy New Year 2016, is it here yet?
“Impossible only means you haven’t found the solution yet.” -Anonymous. Kal Penn is lifting the lid on some of the grossly racist roles he’s been asked to play.Lupita Arellano - Happy weekend 🐕🎶🐶🎸🐕🎷🐶🎹🐕📻🐶🎼🐕🐾😜 Roles To Play, Decades To Shine, Winners, Losers, Learners, Dimes To Drop. Rainbow Racers, Rats To Roaches, Every One Dies.
ERIC CLAPTON Live at Budokan, Tokyo, 2001 (Full Concert)Exactly embracing the day: hats, horns to blast. Roles To Play, Decades To Shine, Winners, Losers, Learners, Dimes To Drop. Rainbow Racers, Rats To Roaches, Every One Dies.
- Signs up in the air, seven kings, seven queens, pieces of a dream. .... Freaks in the night, frogs in groups, cheap and cheaper, whales, .... Life on the beach. ...... Education:Charles R. Jarrot University of Life and HARD KNOCKS! ...... An object that looked like brown coal was burning on the frying pan, ...
Snakes, Frogs, Hackers, Charles R. and Steven Jarrot, Hats To Wear ... Third party views, fairy tales, frogs in Jewish group of frogs. .... Time of our lives, the best is yet to cum, dances and dreams, time to grow. ... Hats and caps to wear, ways to live in the desert, if you were a turtle, life in the sands, life is a beach, ways to ...Lupita Arellano - Happy weekend 🐕🎶🐶🎸🐕🎷🐶🎹🐕📻🐶🎼🐕🐾😜 Roles To Play, Decades To Shine, Winners, Losers, Learners, Dimes To Drop. Rainbow Racers, Rats To Roaches, Every One Dies.
Bays of bats, hell hounds on land..... A treacherous person, as in Ben secretly applied for the same job as his best friend; no one knew he was such a snake in the grass . This metaphor for treachery, alluding to a poisonous snake concealed in tall grass, was used in 37 b.c. by the Roman poet Virgil ( latet anguis in herba ). Battles And Wars Won: Life Is A Beach, A Mountain, A Song To Sing: Daily Treats. Songs to sing, better dazes to come.Walks Of Life: Paths Taken, Hopes, Dreams, Fame 2.
Theory of Everything .Down to earth...💞😎 I’m really down to earth and a nice person to be around with, that is what I like to think about me, people have told me that. What other people think about me: crazy, normal, plain, an old soul, earth angel 2...getting older now, senior to senior, woman to man, dreams in motions. Here to the beginning...
Nice to meet you✨🎄💞😎💓💦 All my old friends live out of town, so looking for friendships.Looking for platonic friends.We can talk to see if we are compatible for more time to explore what to do next.💋💚✨😎 anyone else?

“Impossible only means you haven’t found the solution yet.” -Anonymous. Kal Penn is lifting the lid on some of the grossly racist roles he’s been asked to play..@rachellyn1010 Indian wells. Speeding. Blehhhh, I have to get another job now😑 how's college!? Lupita Arellano - Happy weekend 🐕🎶🐶🎸🐕🎷🐶🎹🐕📻🐶🎼🐕🐾😜 Roles To Play, Decades To Shine, Winners, Losers, Learners, Dimes To Drop. Rainbow Racers, Rats To Roaches, Every One Dies.
Food is not something that is common in that house for the members to eat together. 0631-9331-0219-0038136 has to cook for himself most days, and oatmeal is the staple that they have a lot of.
Time to get out of dog dodged, snakes in dens, tales of where i have
been. Paths crossed, frogs and snakes, tips to share. Birds and
butterflies, flowers in the dogwood trees, bees buzzing also. Jumping
for joy, happy and delighted with paths taken. Out of the darkness of
shame and disgraces done, tricked. Land sharks circles to protect from
land whales, dancing on land. Hate or love, lessons learned on right
and wrong ways to change. Love at the top of the mountains, birds and
butterflies, shapes swinging in the winds on high.