Sunday, January 17, 2016

Blue, Green, Purple, Colored Hairs, Wig Caps, Dream Locks

Hairs To You, Colors To Wear, Wigs And Caps. Trips to hairdressers, colors out of bottles, natures wonders, good times. Trips to hell and back, angels to share, good news. Time to dress of hairs, acts to parts, movies to direct.  tips to share, dances in the dark. Dense,  Dumb, Simple, shallow, Snakes in your face, anger issues, with the bumps in the roads. Friends, frogs, fools, dates on the beach, RV camping, with Steven Jarrot,needle snakes, white slave niggers , trades to fuck, pimping butches for gas money, bring smokes please, every john to fuck on beack. Oral experts, leaders, monkeys and swingers, party and play, sex on the beach. Rach Jay, lovers for life, last year in Ventura.
Hearts On Fire, Knights Quest, Save The Queens. Happy notes, good tales, Adam not Steven, Adam and Eve, bibile lifestyle stories. Rach Jay, pary, pray for wits and charms, just like Rachel Jarrot. Mother Goose, Jesus Christ, tales of great con men pretenders on a grand scale, Jesus Christ, told 8 times around the globe. Same story, different seasons, same cause, bastard born to save the world. Bitch born in a barn, Mary out with pimp, Joseph  What the fuck, out of cash, out of luck, found a barn for the bastard  to come, joy to the worlds  of sheep.

Live and learn, live and love, love and hate, goats horns, all to change, right or wrong, horns to blow. Time of our lives, the best that we can be, honey bees. Bees and birds, songs to sing, bastard  was born in a barn, hooker for a mother, daddy a pimp, out of luck, out of cash, cows and donkeys for brothers, Jesus Christ, bastard to save the masses of sheep, horse and pony shows. Con men, Jim Jones, Steven Jarrot, Jesus Christ, Peter Pan, Micky

Mouses, nightmares to spare, stars out for wishes. Great day on the right side, wonderful day to be alive, hopes flames burning bright, dreams in actions, desires out in air, goodness and mercy, angels to catch. Balls and bats, witches and spells, cats and rats, races to death. Busy dying daily, busy living large in a blue state, peace and understanding on one hand. Goodness and mercy, joys and pleasures, gifts granted, prayers granted, peace, love and understanding granted, across the winds.

Dreams of more, prayers for houses vacancies  to spare, homes for the holidays, veterans alerts. Dead veterans every day, 22 daily  last count, help needed to address this orobkem, Hand reaching out to you, need a hand to get started, houses in Orange Ciunty, CΓ kifirnia, other counties needed help also, equal to Riverside Counties. Can you help us?Turning the page, moving on, topics to cover now. Time and space, time counted in how many ways, questions up in the air. Live and learn, love and hate, goats and sheep, witches to tell, ghosts and spooks, tales from the dead. Family and friends that have exoired, dead and in the graves. Life over and done, bones boxed to plant,  put in the ground, to grow another way. Tricks, spells, and curses, alive today, men will be frogs. Menvwill be American Toads, dogs and bitches in heat, cum suckers, hell hounds in the woods.

Balls in the air, games to be played, query on queens, queers, Sherri  Jarrot, Jesuit  Jewish Credit, bastard born to save the world, Jesus Christ, Steven Jarrot, Rachellyn1010, Rach Jay, cheap tricks, virgins still, just like to suck dicks at ayoung age. History online, jokes and laughs, bumps in the world. Stories online, tips to share. Queers and queens, Sima Jarrot, the virgin, queen of England, by way of Cuba. Turkey wife, Cuban or Mexican born, hard to say. Didn't care. Not for her, her kind, black house, full of hate, faces of snakes and frogs. Hell hound married for life, only one man to stand the freak. He moved on, Paul Jarrot, found a young stupid, dimwit, not Sima Jarrot, after 3 kids. Twisted dog, younger-whale. Sima Jarrot , kicked back,  bitch in heat, corner hoe, corner trick, back to curb.  Paul Jarrot, King Cuban Turkey, Pimps and frogs, dream lives, living large, Americans by green cards. Married, cow with kids, goats and sheep, Cuban turkeys, bastard born to save her world. Out of Cuba, had Steven Jarrot first American  Toad. September 4, 1962.

Night and day, black and white notes, tips and tales, dances in the winds. Happy and delighted, for the birthday boys, Michael Jordan, Peter Pants, Christopher D'Silva, today. Notes of love, notes of hate, goats and kids, monkeys to sing another song, happy birthday cheers. Super-bowl hits, games to watch, broncos and who else, not sure, do I can, not a lot. Games of balls in air, tales to fly, bumps and hits, dances for the sports, men at work. Games of love and hate, light and dark views, stars to sinners, heavens sent a word or two. Lessons on class of snakes, lessons on classes of land whales, joys and pains, bumps in the roads.

Dances on dreams, dreams in action, fairies, and pixies to watch, games to play, stories to tell, trips to the hell and back, tricks and trades, good times. Wishes on stars, wishes in the air, birthday hits.  Dancing  dreams, dancing songs, good times. Dancing dreams, girls to watch, party for dazes, good time. Fairy tales, fairies with purple hair, like me.  History notes, frogs and snakes, life on the wild sides. At omens to arms, horns on goats, hate and love, flipping coins. Into the woods, flipping cows. Cowboys in the fields, dreams of fame, dreams of names in lights, movie hits. Dreams dancing in my head. Angels to hear. Jumps for joy, dances on the sands of  time. Dreams and hopes, purples hairs, peace and love, happy tales to spins.

Wishes on stars, wishes in the air, birthday hits.  Dancing  dreams, dancing songs, goid times. Dancing dreams, girls to watch, party for dazes, good time. Fairy tales, fairies with purple hair, like me.  History notes, frogs and snakes, life on the wild sides. At omens to arms, horns on goats, hate and love, flipping coins. Into the woods, flipping cows. Cowboys in the fields, dreams of fame, dreams of names in lights, movie hits. Dreams dancing in my head. Angels to hear. Jumps for joy, dances on the sands of  time. Dreams and hopes, purples hairs, peace and love, happy tales to spins.

Pictures  in words, something to learn. Hairs To You, Bad Hair Dazes, All The Time, Faces In Mirrors. Hairs purple the best. Fairy hairs, blue and black hairs, wigs or caps. Fairy tales, fairies with purple hair, like me. Joys and pains, bumps in the roads, yellow brick, of course. Oz to date, land of green dreams, jokes and laughs online. History notes, frogs and snakes, life on the wild sides. At omens to arms, horns on goats, hate and love, flipping coins. Into the woods, flipping cows. Cowboys in the fields, dreams of fame, dreams of names in lights, movie hits. Dreams dancing in my head.

Angels to hear. Goodness and mercy angels, faces inside stars, earth angels here for rules, rites to see, classes of snakes. Dogs, bitches in heat, cows and land whales, jackasses to date. Stories of Steven and Rachel Jarrot, frogs and fish, haters and lovers, sad stories, of love and devotions . Bullshit and faithful, classes of snakes, frogs use for punches  to jokes. Times on the cross, trips to hell and back, free rides.

People change .People don't fucking change. I did nothing. Lol I actually put in effort to go to a therapist and work out my problems.

People change, memories don't.In and out of tomorrow big waves dreams in works lucky home.Tall Tales:Tips,Tweets,Tones.Cartoon show!Strangers to friends, friends to family, family to foes, family affairs,gates and doors, winners, losers, sinners and saints, dances in the darkness.I’m devastated over the passing of John Witherspoon. Life won’t be as funny without him.Thank you for making us laugh til we cried. Condolences to his family and all the many fans. RIP

Welcome 2 The Party: JAY Z.Rachel Jarrot, Jewish whale on land, roles to play, hats to wear, good time toad, cons to run, cattle call, “a dyke, a lesbian, a butch, a bitch”. .....Where There's A Will... There's A Way..Lovers and haters, dicks and dogs, dances in the dark,joys and pains, bumps in the road. Ways to grow, ways to see the world,joys and pains, live and learn, lots of love alone the way.  Lovers, Haters, Freaks, Frogs,Plenty Of Fish To Dinner Dates, Glory Dazes To Come. ...... Rachel Cattlecall RGJ Princess FrogRockyButch 2 Whale.

Love and hate, the horns of a goat, flip side of the coin, gifts...... interesting, real and different.What are you crazy for free? Dung gifts, good times, notes to share.Thanks for song.Pains, Across The Years, Heads Up, Rites To Stand. Tales To Note, History In And Out Of Love, Peace And Happiness. Police Calls, Nazis In Dark Spaces. ALL I CAN SAY: LOVE, LUCK, LESSONS, 🌍☯Even idiots don't bring me down.Rednecks, rejects, retards, beans and franks, nuts on the run. Lots of love, lots of shit, lots of frogs in groups, family affairs.

Rats to roaches, crooks in white gloves, hats and horns. Police states.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚SCARY NEWS:πŸ‘‹Woman for man, giants on land, leader of the band, retired, teacher, student, winner, loser, learner, roles played, over 6 decades, 60 years, baby boomer, the guy next door, back in the day.. Some teachers may feel this type of preparation is... | Facebook.
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Otherwise what you do in the dark may come to light sooner or later. Back at you later, with more tales from a far, and near in the recesses of my mind.  Did you hear the critical news?Fairy, pixies, earth angel to come, tips and tales, waves on the water, boats to float, ships of dreams to sail. Peter Pan, late again, kings and knights, battles and wars. Even idiots don't bring me down.Rednecks, rejects, retards, beans and franks, nuts on the run. Lots of love, lots of shit, lots of frogs in groups, family affairs.

March to Mars, God of Wars, lessons to teach, over time and space, battles won, matter the most. Be proactive, not reactive. Please be better men in the World.Say it Again girl: Earth Angels, Birds And Butterflies, Songs Played. Daily walks. Love, love, love!It is NOT. Fuck views of others, get up and dance away. Searching for a friend.

Image may contain: 3 people, people sitting, shoes and outdoor

Pains, Across The Years, Heads Up, Rites To Stand. Tales To Note, History In And Out Of Love, Peace And Happiness. Police Calls, Nazis In Dark Spaces. ALL I CAN SAY: LOVE, LUCK, LESSONS, 🌍☯πŸ•‰πŸ’˜✌✌ πŸ‘πŸ”‘ ❤πŸ‘πŸ”‘Caribbean Queen .πŸ’‹❤️πŸ’‹Work, Wives, And What: 3 .Dances in the rain, dances in the dark, to dream to dance, life is a beach. Every day about survival, my rivals, my gods, man to man, sex up in airs. Moot to date, moot to changes, moot to mountains to climb.Even idiots don't bring me down.Rednecks, rejects, retards, beans and franks, nuts on the run. Lots of love, lots of shit, lots of frogs in groups, family affairs.

Image may contain: 2 people

 To cum and to go, dreams on sands of time, life is a gift. Time to praises pretty productive people, maps to sunshine. Trips to the moon, seven seas, seven seasons, seven snakes, in the light, blinded again. Roman nights under the cherry moon. Safe for family rides, to castles in the sky, in the mountains. Dreams and dances, trips to the moon, birds and dogwood butterflies, bees and bugs. Stars above the mountains, dances on the shores of time.Pains, Across The Years, Heads Up, Rites To Stand. Tales To Note, History In And Out Of Love, Peace And Happiness. Police Calls, Nazis In Dark Spaces. ALL I CAN SAY: LOVE, LUCK, LESSONS, 🌍☯Even idiots don't bring me down.Rednecks, rejects, retards, beans and franks, nuts on the run. Lots of love, lots of shit, lots of frogs in groups, family affairs.

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