Friday, July 10, 2020

Finding Normal, Family Affairs, Faces In The Crowds, Dances On The Sands Of Time.

Sunny and Bright: Golden rules, sometimes you win.Do you ever have a dream over and over? In that recurring dream, is there a face you always see of a place you always go, even though you’ve never actually seen or been there in your waking hours?

Dances on the boats, yachts, ship, Peter Pan late again. On not, hard to say, ,pages to books, recaps to do. Shots, Bumps In Road. Ships To Pass, Learning Lessons All The Time.


HOLY CRAP"Shit Happens, Excuses And Assholes, Things In Common.Rites, Reasons, Seasons Of Winners, Losers, Learners, Counting Heads.: ~PRINCE~ Acknowledge Me. Veteran Declared Clocks, ...
The world is full of lunatics, heads above the common, plain, normal crazy, coins to flip.Practice What You Preach.Make Me Say it Again girl.

GO LIONS! So guy, what about you, age, how tall, located where, retired doing what, to connect, to chat,to explore, what you live for. Gol.

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So what you are not able to please everyone, that is not your job, so what if you are not perfect, and so what people change with the coming of a new day.Life is a beach than you die. Water for cows, water for frogs, water to live, books to write, saints and sinners, glory dazes done. Tricks magic Madness, Windows In Heaven:
Boats To Sail: Captions for Peter Pan, Fairies, Pixies, Earth Angels on land. Hands out to grab, hands out to help, lights on now, out of the darkness. Light and dark, good and evil, sinners and saints, stars in lights, stars at birth, lights on still. Rip Galylin Lacy park 1975 she loved her guitar..So what you are not able to please everyone, that is not your job, so what if you are not perfect, and so what people change with the coming of a new day.Life is a beach than you die.

Gifts of the roads to take, lessons always alone the way, lights on, and lights off. Sunny days, rainy days, classes on love and hate, light and dark, horns to blow, horns of a goat, hate to see, love for the others. Others to give, others to share, joys and pains, bumps in the road. Hands out for the fours of cups, for the five golden rings, songs to sing. Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, closeup Resolutions, atonement, forgiven not desire for these freaks, they are legends in their minds, and fake friends to steal, lie, and rob you blind with six or seven snakes to jump to your cash, properties, credit, women and boys, and belligerents in their views of greatness. Twisted and tainted views of faithful and bullshit, mixed up with love and hate, four letter words, that the are two English, not right or wrong.So what you are not able to please everyone, that is not your job, so what if you are not perfect, and so what people change with the coming of a new day.Life is a beach than you die.

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, closeup

Sunny and Bright: Golden rules, sometimes you win.Do you ever have a dream over and over? In that recurring dream, is there a face you always see of a place you always go, even though you’ve never actually seen or been there in your waking hours?So what you are not able to please everyone, that is not your job, so what if you are not perfect, and so what people change with the coming of a new day.Life is a beach than you die.
Image may contain: 1 person, hat and outdoor

Boats To Sail: Captions for Peter Pan, Fairies, Pixies, Earth Angels on land. Hands out to grab, hands out to help, lights on now, out of the darkness. Light and dark, good and evil, sinners and saints, stars in lights, stars at birth, lights on still.So what you are not able to please everyone, that is not your job, so what if you are not perfect, and so what people change with the coming of a new day.Life is a beach than you die.

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