Monday, February 7, 2022

Reasons to dance, names changes to hide from haters, lots of hot air blowing about seek and crop off hands. Views shared of the fish that got away.

 Birthdays daily, yours, mine, and theirs, cheers, and chaps,way to grow, another great day, in the land of living, who could ask for more. Me. More mountains left to climb.Reasons to dance, names changes to hide from haters, lots of hot air blowing about seek and crop off hands. Views shared of the fish that got away.

Love, Regrets, Plus:Accidental Raw Views. Nudity 2.Happy Hanukkah. I'm no longer a practicing Jew. I already Perfected it.'NO MATTER HOW STUPID YOU FEEL, REMEMBER, LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD COULDN'T FIGURE OUT A TALKING WOLF IN DRAG WASN'T HER GRANDMOTHER'.Birthdays daily, yours, mine, and theirs, cheers, and chaps,way to grow, another great day, in the land of living, who could ask for more. Me. More mountains left to climb.

The rest of us will have to leave because we simply cannot afford to live here. EVERY FUCKIN THING has doubled or tripled in price and for what. Somebody somewhere is making bank off of us. This went up because of that, that went up because of...? 

Homelessness will increase and living in vehicles or RVs will become the norm out here. This domino effect is what killing us and we will need to become resourceful and cutback, way back, in order to survive. 

We can only hope that sooner than later this is going to land back onto those who are overcharging us, the less we buy the more they lose by not being able to sell products and services. I went to a fast food restaurant and bought a large hamburger and medium fries, $15.00. I will never make that mistake again. Choose your job wisely so you don't lose it because people can't afford to go or buy there. 

If it's determined that our government made mistakes in closing down this country during the pandemic, unnecessarily, then they need fix this before issues like mass shoplifting, catalytic converters stealing or scamming becomes the norm. Don't wait on the government to do something, we need to cutback now in order to survive.

The TRUTH: It may not lead you to where you thought you were going, but it will always lead you somewhere better. You can make a big difference without ever saying a word.Magic is all around. Christmas tree.Would like to talk in the future.Ready for more now,can you assist in this project? How many fucking times do we need to explain this?You can make a big difference without ever saying a word.Magic is all around. Christmas tree. 

How the Covid Scam Is Perpetrated

Paul Craig Roberts, Are You the CEO of Your Life:P.S. Don’t drag your feet any longer. You need to make the time and ATTEND THIS CLASS NOW.Your Future Self Will Thank You For It!Brand News:HOLY CRAP"Shit Happens, Excuses And Assholes, Things In Common.Yoga bends.

Thierry Meyssan, Celebrating all veterans who wrote a blank check made payable to the United States of America for service up to and including their life. With respect, honor & gratitude, thanky you so much The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.” — Elie Wiesel .A Walk to Caesarea. My God, my God, may it never end – the sand and the...
Happy Hanukkah. I'm no longer a practicing Jew. I already Perfected it.'NO MATTER HOW STUPID YOU FEEL, REMEMBER, LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD COULDN'T FIGURE OUT A TALKING WOLF IN DRAG WASN'T HER GRANDMOTHER'.Birthdays daily, yours, mine, and theirs, cheers, and chaps,way to grow, another great day, in the land of living, who could ask for more. Me. More mountains left to climb.
Thierry Meyssan, Celebrating all veterans who wrote a blank check made payable to the United States of America for service up to and including their life. With respect, honor & gratitude, thanky you so much The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.” — Elie Wiesel .A Walk to Caesarea. My God, my God, may it never end – the sand and the...

Steve Sailer. Are You the CEO of Your Life:P.S. Don’t drag your feet any longer. You need to make the time and ATTEND THIS CLASS NOW.Your Future Self Will Thank You For It!Brand News:Thierry Meyssan, Celebrating all veterans who wrote a blank check made payable to the United States of America for service up to and including their life. With respect, honor & gratitude, thanky you so much The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.” — Elie Wiesel .A Walk to Caesarea. My God, my God, may it never end – the sand and the...

Tokusatsu Miniforce GIF

Steve Sailer. Are You the CEO of Your Life:P.S. Don’t drag your feet any longer. You need to make the time and ATTEND THIS CLASS NOW.Your Future Self Will Thank You For It!Brand News:A Walk to Caesarea. My God, my God, may it never end – the sand and the...

Happy Hanukkah. I'm no longer a practicing Jew. I already Perfected it.'NO MATTER HOW STUPID YOU FEEL, REMEMBER, LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD COULDN'T FIGURE OUT A TALKING WOLF IN DRAG WASN'T HER GRANDMOTHER'.Birthdays daily, yours, mine, and theirs, cheers, and chaps,way to grow, another great day, in the land of living, who could ask for more. Me. More mountains left to climb.

A Walk to Caesarea. My God, my God, may it never end – the sand and the...'NO MATTER HOW STUPID YOU FEEL, REMEMBER, LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD COULDN'T FIGURE OUT A TALKING WOLF IN DRAG WASN'T HER GRANDMOTHER'.Birthdays daily, yours, mine, and theirs, cheers, and chaps,way to grow, another great day, in the land of living, who could ask for more. Me. More mountains left to climb.

Love, Regrets, Plus:Accidental Raw Views. Nudity 2.Happy Hanukkah. I'm no longer a practicing Jew. I already Perfected it.'NO MATTER HOW STUPID YOU FEEL, REMEMBER, LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD COULDN'T FIGURE OUT A TALKING WOLF IN DRAG WASN'T HER GRANDMOTHER'.Birthdays daily, yours, mine, and theirs, cheers, and chaps,way to grow, another great day, in the land of living, who could ask for more. Me. More mountains left to climb.

Reasons to dance, names changes to hide from haters, lots of hot air blowing about seek and crop off hands. Views shared of the fish that got away.Mountains to climb, valleys to cross, bumps in the road, all part of the wheel of life, make the most of time given, reach for more gifts of peace, love, and good time.

Reasons, seasons, causes, projects to complete, limit time left in the year to finish.Gain happiness. After our days are done, the only thing allowed on the other side, is love. Views,values, voices in my head, coins to flip, dances in the morning light.

THIS FAMILY HATES FACTS... IT'S HYSTERICAL.. Ways to grow, family notes, daddy here, sister also, faces in the mirror.Mistakes In The...INTERVIEW: RACHEL JARROT: NOT JEWISH....Rachel Cattle, Wigs For Caps. Charles R Jarrot Credit Consulting - 26 Photos - Debt Relief Services ...Good times, life on the beach, joys and pains, bumps in the road, tricked and pimped, life in a coffin, dead and gone, Penny and Chuck Moor, lovers and friends for a minute.

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